'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)


Flying Start is jam-packed with information and activities that can help young people plan their next steps in education or training. Not only that, it includes lots of resources to help students prepare for life, study, and work after school. All to ensure young people have the Flying Start they deserve!


Students & young people who are…

· In Year 11 or coming up to school leaving age (16)

· In college, sixth form, or an apprenticeship, and reconsidering their options

· Not in education or training at the moment

Whether a student does or doesn’t have a plan in place for what comes next, Flying Start is here to help.


Information for Pupils

Try out our new Mock Job application form!

Click this link to try it now

How do I write a CV?

Information for Employers & Members of Staff

We are very pleased to work with a range of employers across the city and further afield. Learning the value of transferable skills, different jobs and career opportunities is invaluable to a young person's progression and we cannot thank our existing partners enough. 


We are always looking for local businesses to help us inspire and educate our students about the world of work. If you would like to support us by taking part in events such a mock interview days, speed networking or by offering a work experience placement, please get in touch with our Careers Leader, Louise Halford on lhalford@saintedmunds.org.uk


At St Edmund's Catholic School we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks (see below) as a framework for our Careers programme. Every term we assess how well we meet these benchmarks by using a tool called Compass, so it is important to capture all Careers related activity taking place across our school.


The Gatsby Benchmarks:

1) A Stable Careers Programme.

2) Learning from Careers and Labour Market Information (LMI).

3) Addressing the needs of each pupil. 

4) Linking curriculum learning to Careers.

5) Encounters with employers and employees.

6) Experiences of workplaces. 

7) Encounters with further and higher education. 

8) Personal guidance. 


All staff support the Careers programme, especially Gatsby Benchmark 4 - linking curriculum learning to Careers. The staff role is to embed Careers education within their subject areas by providing inspirational opportunities for learning, both within and outside the classroom. 

We have a dedicated Careers Leader, Louise Halford, who can provide Careers related banners and posters and can signpost to useful videos and other resources. She can answer any questions staff or parents may have regarding our Careers programme, share opportunities and help all staff to build Careers into the curriculum. 

If you would like further information, Louise is based in her office opposite Student Services or can be reached at lhalford@saintedmunds.org.uk

Information for Parents

We hope you've had a great break and welcome back to the new academic year! We know it can be challenging for schools and colleges to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks but we're here to help! Our latest issue of Careermag for Parents is here to help parents, carers and guardians to support their young people along the way! This issue sponsored by NOCN and supported by PiXL, Get the Jump and many more covers lots of tips for post 16 and 18 options, the UCAS application key dates, talking careers with your children and much more!


Another helpful site is : Parent Resources - Southern Universities Network (sunoutreach.org) 


Careers Information for Parents

Parents play a vital role in supporting their child with career planning and post-16 transitions. In order to be best informed about this process, it is important to understand the school’s careers programme (this can be found on the careers home page) and use information about labour markets and future study options.

Support your child by utilising the following careers tools:

Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study


Prospects | Job & Course Search | Career & University Advice


Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service


The Apprenticeship Guide listing all apprenticeships available


Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK


Pupil entitlement

All pupils in Years 7 – 11 are entitled to:

  • Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events
  • Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses


Get Your Downloadable 2022/23 Parents' Careers Guides

Careers Information for Teachers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

Why is embedding careers in the curriculum so important?

  • Students feel more engaged in their learning when they perceive the relevance of what they are studying to their own and other people’s lives
  • Students become more aspirational, understanding that perceived barriers can be overcome and that there are numerous pathways to success
  • Subject teachers are highly influential – students are 18 times more likely to be motivated to learn if their teachers know their hopes and dreams
  • Staff highlighting the relevance of their subject to future careers and opportunities creates social capital for young people with more limited networks

Top Tips for embedding Careers in your subject:

  1. Highlight the employability skills that the students are using in your lesson, such as speaking, teamwork, creativity, leadership
  2. Include examples of potential future job roles as a starter or plenary
  3. Display a poster promoting the skills and careers your subject links to
  4. Share stories about your own career path
  5. Discover your students’ hopes for the future
  6. Invite in a guest to talk to your students about their career and how your subject inspired them


Latest News

Career Of The Week

Further Articles »

Subject Specific Careers Information

Showing 21-23 of 23

Careerometer 2

Useful Links

Career Pilot

National Careers Service Website

Buzz Personality Quiz

24 Weird Jobs!

Amazing Apprenticeships


Reviewed July 2021 – Careers Development plans run to July 2023