'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

KS4 Homework Assignments
(Years 10 & 11)

Independent Homework

Homework is an essential way of encouraging independence in learning. For homework to be effective there must be consistency in school practice combined with parental support. At Key stage 4 pupils should be building on the good practice that they should have acquired by completing the independent homework task set during years 7-9.



Studying for GCSE examinations requires many different and varied skills and tasks. Pupils may have to complete coursework or controlled assessments or may have to put together a portfolio of work as part of their course.

Homework is therefore going to depend very much on the requirements of the course and the individual progress each student is making in their course.

Regular homework will be set by each teacher and the exact task and the date each homework is due in should be recorded by the student in their diary.


Year 10 Homework Deadlines

Pupils are expected to spend around two hours on each essay title.


Please find below the dates for all homeworks for all KS4 subjects. If you have any further questions, please contact your subject teacher or Mr Were jwere@saintedmunds.org.uk

KS4 Homework Tasks Autumn Term 2024-2025

 YEAR 10 HOMEWORK AUTUMN TERM 24-25.pdfDownload
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Further Information

If you have any further questions or concerns about homework please contact your child’s tutor, Head of Learning or the appropriate Head of Department.

Thank you for your support.