Year 7 CAT4 Tests Starting Week Beginning 1st November 2021
Key Stage 2 SATs were cancelled along with the GCSE examinations this Summer. This means that we have a very limited amount of information regarding your child’s performance from Primary School. As a school we use Key Stage 2 data to set appropriate targets for all subjects from Year 7 to Year 11. This is tightly linked to Government expectations regarding student progress and the Progress 8 measure. Setting these targets has ensured that students maximise their progress in each year and is the reason why St Edmund’s has sat in the top 8% of schools nationally for the last 5 years.
In order to supplement the data we have, we are intending to run the GL CAT4 test (Cognitive Ability Tests) over 3 weeks from the week commencing 1st November. The CAT tests are made up of three 45-minute tests that are taken online and they assess a student’s reasoning abilities. There is no revision or preparation to be completed by your child in advance. We do not want the students to be worried about these tests, we will be supporting them through them.
The results of the CAT tests will be utilised by the school to support the target setting process and also provide some accurate information regarding reading and spelling ages.
The Timetable below shows what day and period each tutor group is being tested and the room in which it will take place. Please remind your child.