FAQ's for New Pupils
What are the timings of the school day?
You can find the information on the timings by clicking this link and in the student planner. Lessons last for 60 minutes, there are five lessons a day with two breaks. You must be in school by 8.25am and the school day finishes at 3pm.
What will I do if I get lost?
In a big school this is not uncommon in the first day or so, but easily fixed. Stay calm and ask for directions. Students joining the school mid-term will be assigned a 'buddy' who will show you around the school for the first few days. If assistance is required look for the nearest person, pupil or adult. They will help you. By the end of the second week you will know where you are going. New Year 7s will be shown around the school on the first day by the Year 9 Peer Mentors.
What do I do if I am absent or late?
If you are going to be absent, a parent or guardian needs to contact the school before 9am. If you are going to be late, you must report to Reception. Good punctuality is very important to make sure that you leave home in plenty of time.
Am I allowed to have a mobile telephone or other electronic device at school?
The school rule is clear. Mobile phones are permitted but must be switched off during the school day. If you are seen using the phone, it will be confiscated (even for just checking the time).
How do I order my lunch?
During the first weeks priority will be given to Year 7 to get their lunch while you are learning how the system works. The canteen runs a cashless system which will be explained to you. Weekly menus are available as they were in Primary School. You do not need to order in advance, but can select at the hatch. Free School Meal students will have money assigned to use per day.
Where do I leave my bicycle when I get to school?
There is a 'bike shed' by the Kelly Block exit which you can use. Please follow bike safety, wear a helmet, wear something visible, get lights and cycle sensibly. Don't forget to lock your bike!
Where do I leave my penny board/skateboard when I get to school?
You can bring these items into school but they must be left in the old medical room (room opposite the Headteacher's office in the main building) and can be collected at the end of the school day at 3pm.Please ensure you use the items safely and do not use your mobile phone whilst on your board outside of school for safety reasons.
How will I know when each session ends?
A bell will ring at the end of each session and at the end of breaks.
What do I do if I feel I need help for any reason?
Go straight to your Tutor or the Pastoral Leader for your Head of Year or School Chaplain. Any member of the school community will help and point you in the right direction.
What do I do if I need to leave school early?
You are not permitted to leave the School site during the day. Parents expect you to be safe in School. If you have an appointment, you need to bring a note from your Parents/Guardians and sign out at the school Reception. You will be given a special exit pass. If you are returning to school after your appointment please report to the Main School Reception entrance to return your special pass and to sign back into school so you can return to your lessons and continue with your learning.
What is the Chaplaincy?
Chaplaincy is a club lead by Fiona the Chaplain. You pray, raise money for charity, assist with Mass and get a badge to show you are part of the Chaplaincy Team.
What is Summer School?
Summer School is really useful for getting to meet new friends over the summer holiday and get to know your way around the school before you start in September, The week is packed fully of exciting things to do and see with a variety of different activities from art and crafts, sports, swimming and cookery to name a few.
What about Clubs?
There are plenty of activities going on after school, a timetable of clubs can be viewed on the extra-curricular section on the school website and made available for Tutors to put up on their noticeboards. Clubs include music, sportsm fundraising, chaplaincy, environment, philosophy as well as Department activities and study sessions. The School Library is also open until 4pm if you wish to do your homework in school.
What if I need to contact my parents?
Go to reception and you will be able to use the telephone in the school office (charge of 20p). Please do not use your mobile telephone or you will get into trouble.
What do I do if I have forgotten my lunch/lunch money?
Go and see your Pastoral Leader who will either call your parents and ask for your lunch to be brough into school or an arrangement can be made with the Catering Manager to have a meal and pay for it the following day.
What do I do if I feel unwell or I have hurt myself?
If you are in lesson, let the teacher know you are feeling unwell. He/she will give you a note and tell you to report to Student Services (reception area). If you are at break or lunchtime go straight to Student Services.
What happens if I get a detention?
If you are issued with a detention (we hope that you won't be) you will be given a slip by the member of staff. Detentions are held on a Tuesday (2 hour Headteacher detention) and Wednesday (30 and 60 minute detentions). Maths Department hold their detentions on a Thursday for 30 minutes for those who have not completed their Maths homework. Pupil lists are sent to each class period 5 and you will be taken to the Hall or designated room at the end of the school day by your class teacher. A text is sent to your parent/guardian reminding them that you are in detention that evening.
When does my homework need to be handed in?
KS3 students will be issued with a homework booklet at the start of every term. You must plan carefully and put the dates the homework need to be completed within your planner so you don't miss the deadline. Any late homework will result in you being issued with a detention (although the teacher may allow you an extension to the deadline). Each homework should take you between 2-3 hours to complete. The PE homework is over the whole of the term. Please read through the booklets carefully. It would be lovely to see your amazing homework on our various homework displays within the school. Why not also attend the Homework Club within the School Library after school where you can have some support and quiet time to enable you to finish off any work. There are PC's available for you to undertake your research.
Please don't be afraid to ask anyone for help and advice!