[Les Miserables] - 10th anniversary [At the End of the Day]
'I Dreamed a Dream' Carrie Hope Fletcher | Les Miserables: The Staged Concert (2019) | TUNE
Music Lessons Spring Term 2025 Timetables - click the links below
Please note that the timetables were accurate at the time of uploading onto the website and are subject to change. Students are informed of any changes to their timings. Updates about Music lessons will be posted on TEAMS
Brass Wednesday Miss Walker.pdf
Drumkit Friday Mr. Sanders.pdf
Guitar Friday Mr Smith NEW 9th Jan.pdf
Guitar Wednesday Mr Smith.pdf - NEW 5/2/25
Singing Wednesday Miss Bilton.pdf
Violin Guitar Piano Thursday Miss Ward.pdf
Meet our Music Teachers!
Alison Walker – Brass
I am French Horn player but I also teach trumpet, trombone and tenor horn. I graduated with a BMus (Hons) and ABRSM diploma from Royal College of Music, graduating in 2016. I studied at Chethams School of Music where in 2012 I performed in front the Queen when she arrived at Victoria Station in Manchester for her Diamond Jubilee. I have been lucky enough to travel with my music, performing at Royal Festival hall, Cardigan Hall, Bridgewater Hall, Sage Gateshead and many more. I have also been abroad to Poland, Ischia and Ukraine. I am a reservist military musician. Music has always been a huge part of my life and I have been taught by some amazing teachers from the top orchestras! I love being able to pass onto my pupils all the skills I have learnt and to watch them grow as players.
Pete Relph – Guitar
I have been teaching guitar and bass guitar for over 10 years. I graduated with a first-class honours degree from …… in Music Performance. I have performed nationally and internationally, the highlight playing whilst sailing round the Caribbean Islands and down the Amazon River. I love that music is never ending and there is so much to learn and interest various people, it’s for everyone.
Sam Sanders – Drum Kit
Hello there! I teach drum kit, but also have past experience on guitar, bass and piano.
I have a degree in Professional Musicianship on drums, with diploma qualifications in song writing, theory, music technology and performance. I've taught drums for 6 years, and currently teach on average 60 students a week. I've gigged internationally with country/pop artist Danny McMahon in countries including Italy, America and Lithuania and I am now the drummer in progressive metal band Lost In Thought. If you're interested in hearing my playing, check out the new single 'We Are The One' that was released on Boxing Day.
I love music and performing, as it inspires me and fulfils me in a way that's hard to describe, and there's no feeling quite like playing a gig in front of an energetic audience, whilst hearing them singing along and cheering - be it 20 people or a couple thousand people.
Catherine Ward – Strings / Piano / Guitar
Hi I'm Catherine, a degree qualified professional musician who has enjoyed more than a decade of teaching music to young people both privately and in school. My first instrument is the violin which I have studied classically since childhood. In the years since graduating, I have appreciated a varied career in teaching and performing with local and international orchestras, string quartets and most recently a three piece folk ensemble with whom I perform regularly at festivals and various functions. I also take pleasure in playing the piano, guitar, viola and cello and teach these instruments from beginner stage through to intermediate. What I love most about music is the fun and fulfilment it has brought into my life. When you play an instrument, there is always something special to look forward to whether that be a rehearsal, concert, gig or an informal jam session. One of my most memorable musical experiences would be a week long concert tour of Bulgaria with my violin teacher, Dr. Devorina Gamalova, providing violin music voluntarily for children and adults with a range of physical and mental disabilities as well as the elderly.
We Compose Pupils in Year 9 and 10 are taking part in an exciting project called ‘We Compose’. Pupils visited Portsmouth Guildhall to watch a concert by a professional string quartet to introduce them to four key pieces of music. Pupils have since drawn inspiration from these pieces to compose their own pieces of music. Pupils have been visited by professional composers to guide their composing work. The culmination of the project will be in June 2025 when professional musicians will perform the music the students have written in a concert at Portsmouth Guildhall. This is a brilliant opportunity for pupils to work collaboratively and develop their composition skills, for some in preparation for Key Stage four music courses.
Music For Youth Performance at The Royal Albert Hall
The journey to Music For Youth Festival began back in January with pupils rehearsing songs for a regional audition in Surrey. Pupils formed part of the ‘Cross Keys’ choir alongside pupils form St John’s Cathedral Primary School. Pupils rose to the challenge of not only learning the songs and harmonies but also learning British Sign Language to accompany the songs adding a powerful element to their performance. After a successful audition, pupils travelled to Birmingham Symphony Hall for the next stage – national auditions. Out of 73 groups who auditioned that day, Cross Keys were delighted to be selected to perform at the Music For Youth Prom held annually at The Royal Albert Hall in London. After many more rehearsals, on Wednesday 27th November the pupils travelled to London for the final performance. As well as their own performance pupils rehearsed on the day with almost 1000 young musicians and singer to perform a world premiere of the piece ‘All Things Constant’ by ‘Cassie Kinoshi‘ and the finale of ‘Earth’ by film composer Hans Zimmer. Cross Keys then performed their two songs, ‘One World’ and ‘Changemaker’ sending a powerful message to the audience about our responsibility to look after our planet. The pupils were not daunted by the vast 5000 seat auditorium and sang with confidence and passion, we could have not been any prouder of them. The Daily Telegraph reported that the theme of the performance was ‘expressed with touching fervour’. Stephen Morgan MP said he was ‘super proud of Portsmouth children, an incredible event which inspires a generation of creativity’. I cannot express my immense pride in these pupils, your commitment and enthusiasm has been outstanding and an absolute credit to St Edmund’s and Portsmouth. Well done! Cross Keys Performance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjvkxOlGSEk |
To develop learners who can:
- Work well with others
- Work independently to improve skills via determination and problem solving
- Use creative skills
- Appreciate a wide range of diverse musical styles
- A curriculum which implements the key skills of listening, performing and composing
- A curriculum that gives pupils a wide range of musical experiences
- A practical based curriculum, focusing on group and individual skills
- Pupils who are able to join higher education or the workforce with creative skills, independence, and the ability to work with and lead others
- Pupils who can appreciate and understand different cultures and how music has evolved
- Confident pupils who are resilient and able to break through challenges
Approach to Teaching
Music is taught to all pupils in KS3 for one hour a week and five hours a fortnight in KS4. The music curriculum is aimed towards developing a variety of practical skills within the context of a musical style, device or genre. Pupils are encouraged to work independently to refine their skills but also collaborate and contribute to create confident group performances and compositions. Pupils receive regular verbal and written feedback as well as being encouraged to evaluate their own work and others. Group work, perseverance and development of self-confidence are skills transferable across other subjects.
The music department has a rich extra-curricular programme including choir, band, flute ensemble, samba and music theory classes. Pupils perform regularly in school celebrations as well as partaking in city wide events. Pupils contribute musically to the spiritual life of the school through assembly music and music for masses. In September 2018, pupils travelled to London and performed a fantastic concert in Covent Garden. The music department work closely with the other performing arts subjects throughout the school year culminating in a successful, professional school production each summer.
We have a strong and committed team of peripatetic teachers offering lessons in most instruments. Pupils receive individual 20 minute lessons per week throughout each term.
Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)
Year 7:
Who Knows?, Rhythm, Keyboard Skills, Singing Monsters The Elements of Music, Variations, Film Music, Samba, RaiseYour Voice.
Year 8:
Bass Riffs, Chords, African Drumming, Sea Shanties, Pachelbel’s Canon, Reggae, Film Music.
Year 9:
Recycling, Blues Music, Music For Adverts, Video Game Music, Blinding Lights, Dance Music.
Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)
Eduqas Performing Arts - Music Pathway
Unit 1 - Performing
30% of final mark
Perform pieces of music lasting 3-6 minutes to an audience
The performance can be on any instrument and in any style, solo or ensemble
- This unit is internally assessed in the summer term of Year 10.
Unit 2 - Creating
30% of final mark
You will compose a piece of music between 3 & 10 minutes
This can be a vocal or instrumental piece in any chosen style in response to a set brief
- This unit is assessed internally in the Autumn term of Year 11.
- You can music technology to help you compose. (I would recommend downloading musescore / bandlab at home).
Unit 3 - Performing Arts in Practice
40% of final mark
Plan a creative event in response to a set brief.
Create & perform original material.
Explore consider other aspects of the arts – costume / staging / lighting / sound production / social media
Pitch your event to a panel of experts!
- This unit is assessed externally in the Spring term of Year 11.
- Each unit requires planning, developing and evaluating written skills alongside practical tasks.
Grade 1 Theory
Pupils have the opportunity in Year 10 to sit ABRSM Grade 1 theory exam in Year 10 to give them a grounding in basic music staff and rhythm notation, chords & scales, intervals and music terms & signs.
100% PASS
Instrumental Lessons at St Edmund's
Instrumental lessons are offered weekly for pupils for Woodwind, Brass, Guitar (electric/acoustic/bass), Drum Kit, Piano. Strings and Voice.
Lessons are charged at £90 per term for 10 individual lessons.
Pupils can collect a letter from Mrs Toogood in room 139 or download above to sign up for lessons. Reply slips must be returned by Wednesday 15th September.
Any enquiries, please contact carolyn.toogood@saintedmunds.org.uk
Portsmouth Music Hub
Portsmouth Music Hub is an active network of organisations working in partnership and committed to enhancing music and music education in and around Portsmouth.
Click on the link below to view the Portsmouth Music Hub website: