Options Online Presentation
On Wednesday 26th February 2025 we will be providing a live, online Presentation for students and parents.
Your child will have received an invite to the relevant talk through Teams. The times are highlighted below.
- Lilac pathways: 4:45pm
- Blue pathway: 5:15pm
- Green pathway: 6:00pm
Course Information Evening
On Thursday, 13th March 2025 St Edmunds invites Y9 pupils and their parents/guardians to a Course Information Evening.
This will take place in the School Sports Hall and you can drop in anytime between 4.30pm and 6.30pm.
There will be lots of subject stands and outside agencies including local colleges.
Pupils who will not be on roll in September will not be expected to attend this evening or be involved in the option's process.
Options Booklet
It is very important that you spend some time reading through the booklet. If you are unable to view this online then a paper copy can be made available by contacting Mrs Robinson (Data and Assessment Manager) by email on jcrobinson@saintedmunds.org.uk.
The booklet contains an awful lot of information about each subject available, along with guidance on the process. Please note that the different pathways only vary by the directed options and a couple of different subjects.
Online Options Form
The Online Options Form will need to be completed through the links below AFTER the Course Information Evening which is on Thursday, 13th March 2025
A Letter to parents has been sent with individual login details. Please do keep this somewhere safe as you will require the necessary information to be able to complete the options selection process.
Your choices must be completed by 9am on Friday, 21st March 2025.
GCSE Languages
If you speak another language at home you may have the opportunity to gain a further GCSE. The Language Course comprises of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Exam support if available for some languages with additional lessons taking place during period 6. We work very closely with EMAS (Ethnic Minority Achievement Service), Bilingual Assistants (BLA) are able to prepare you for the exams. This will allow you to build a good relationship with your BLA and will then help enhance your verbal communication skills in preparation for the speaking exam. Speaking Exams will take place during April and May. During the months of May and June you will then sit the 3 other components - Reading, Writing and Listening.
A list below are the languages that qualify:
Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | German | Gujarati |
Italian |
Japanese | Panjabi | Persian | Polish |
Portuguese | Russian | Turkish | Urdu |
This is an amazing opportunity, at no cost to yourself. Qualifications in languages are very attractive to future employers. If you are able to speak one of the above languages please complete the form below.
Pupils can still obtain a grade even if reading and writing is not their strength. If you are unsure if you qualify please speak to Mrs Robinson - Exams Officer.
Subject Presentation Videos
Subject video presentations give an indication of the courses available for 2025-2027. Please note that not all subjects are available to all students. You may not be successful in gaining a place on a course this will be dependent on the number of applications, aptitude and suitability to the course.
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
JED Link (Job Explorer Database)
This is a resource that allows students to access information about the qualification requirements for different jobs. JED offers a link to possible careers or education opportunities and the qualifications required.
College and Training Provider Links
The following websites for local colleges and training providers will also be invaluable in supporting your decision-making process: