'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Year 8 Home Learning Tasks

 Year 8 - Core Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 8 - Higher Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Chance Lesson 1.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Chance Lesson 2.pdfDownload
 Year 8 climate change campaign.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Dance Mario Lesson 1.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Dance Mario Lesson 2.pdfDownload
 Year 8 Drama Home Learning Tasks Autumn Term.pdfDownload
 Year 8 French Studio 2 module 3.pdfDownload
 Year 8 graphics ISOLATION TASK.pptDownload
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What is the law and how is it changed?

Click here to start the lesson


Please access the 2 sessions (each contain a video and powerpoint) within the files of your Microsoft Teams group.  

Please email your PE teacher your fitness scores once you have completed the tasks.