'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

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  2. Latest St Edmund's School News
  3. Charity Auction 12th October - We need your help!

Charity Auction 12th October - We need your help!

18 September 2018 (by Lisa Slight (lslight))

Last chance for donations

The Friends of St Edmund’s are raising money for charity and the refurbishment of the Library. We are holding an Auction on Friday 12th October 2018. We hope that you can attend but in the meantime we need donations for the Auction.

What can you offer as a ‘lot’ for the Auction?

We are not asking for expensive or large items, although we are very happy to receive any. A bottle of wine or a box of chocolates can go towards making a hamper.    

Do you work for a company that could offer something? What contacts do you have?

Please consider what you can offer.

  • Voucher.
  • Wine.
  • Chocolates.
  • Make-up lesson.
  • Unwanted gifts.
  • Entry to an experience.
  • Beauty products.
  • Jewellery.

How to get it to us

 Together we can improve our school for our children.

Deadline to provide auction items is Friday 28th September 2018.