Easter End of Term Arrangements21 March 2025 (by Lisa Slight (lslight)) |
Friday 4th April 2025
Although there are still a few weeks left I thought that it would be useful to give you advance notice of our end of term arrangements.
The last day of term is Friday 4th April 2025. School will finish at approximately 12 noon on this day. After registration Years 8 and 10 will attend the end of term Service at St John’s Cathedral. They will then return to school for a break followed by a PSHE lesson. Years 7 and 9 will complete a PSHE session followed by the Easter Service at St John’s Cathedral. Years 7 and 9 may then either be collected from the Cathedral or make their own way home as normal. Years 8 and 10 will leave from the school site as normal.
You are welcome to join us for the ‘Stations of the Cross’ service which will start at either 9.15am or 10.50am. This will be a delightful spiritual end to the successful term of learning and a welcome moment of preparation/reflection as we approach Easter.
Year 11 students will have their own reflective ‘Stations of the Cross’ on Thursday 3rd April 2025 here at School. On Friday 4th April 2025 all the Year 11 students will be sitting their GCSE Maths mock examination whilst other year groups attend the Church Service. This will finish at approximately 11am and students will leave from the school site.
The school will re-open on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 as normal (Week B). Students must ensure that they are fully compliant with the school’s Uniform Policy.
Some students over the holidays can cajole their parents/carers into allowing them to have hair dyed/cut too short. No unnatural coloured braiding/weaves/dreadlock braiding beads or metal cuffs or extensions allowed. Braiding should not be worn unless part of culture and if so hair should be the same natural colour throughout. Hair which is shaven should be no shorter than grade 1 and equal throughout. Hair with shaved head designs and undercuts are NOT permitted. A maximum of one small gold/silver stud earring may be worn in each earlobe. Multiple stretched bars/dangly earrings/facial piercings/body piercings and stretchers are not permitted.
If uniform cannot be worn due to medical issues i.e. unable to wear school shoes, then a medical note provided by the GP, will be required. As it will be the summer term when we return jumpers are optional.
The school is more than happy to provide support for families who may need help with any form of uniform attire. We understand that these continue to be difficult financial times for many families. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for any support.
May I thank you for the continued support you give your child and St Edmund’s. May I also thank those parents who have attended the Parent Prayer Group as well as many of the recent events which have run this term.
I pray you and your family have an enjoyable Easter.
'For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son...' (John 3:16)
God bless,
St Edmund's Catholic School