'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

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  3. First Communion Program

First Communion Program

17 March 2025 (by Lisa Slight (lslight))

After half term we will be offering to students at St Edmund’s School, a First Communion Program.

Sometimes students may have missed their lessons and preparation time for First Communion. This may be because they did not attend a Catholic Primary School or for some reason they were not present when preparation was being
made in their parish.

Here at St Edmund’s, I will be looking at offering a 7/8 sessions program for any student who is a baptised Catholic and attends regularly their local parish Mass. 

I will work with the local clergy to see how best to do this for each student. Preparation time will take place after school on Thursday afternoons, 3 pm – 4 pm in the Chapel. Each student, at the end of that period will then make their First
Communion in their local parish.

Fiona, Chaplain