Year 11 Leaving Events - Final Week24 May 2021 (by Lisa Slight (lslight)) |
Letter from Miss Hammond
As we near the end of this half term I wanted to write to you all to make you aware of our plans after the half term. Students have nearly completed assessment block B, with the final assessments finishing this week. I would like to take this opportunity to say how hard I feel the students have worked and how resilient they have been to the constant changes we have all faced regarding the exams.
I am sure you are now all aware Year 11 will be in school for the first week after the half term. This week will be a very busy week with a lot going on as I will outline below. Should students feel they would prefer to complete home learning during this week then parents/carers must contact me by Monday 7th June to make me aware. Students who chose to do this must remain at home for the whole week and are not eligible to attend leavers events, such as the BBQ & Quiz, Leavers Assembly or Prom.
Monday 7th June – Normal school day with a 1.25pm finish, can stay for lunch if they wish. This will allow staff the opportunity to gain any final pieces of evidence needed. Full uniform and equipment will be needed with normal school day timings. Students will also be shown some of the flying start information in tutor time which helps support the transition to college. Further information about this will be shared via the website and with students after half term.
Tuesday 8th June – Normal school day with a 1.25pm finish, can stay for lunch if they wish. Students will have an assembly from NCS in the morning to discuss summer activity programmes on offer. This assembly will be extended to allow preparation time for our mass on Friday. Full uniform and equipment will be needed with normal school day timings. The last staff vs students sport competition will also be after school from 3.10-4pm, so students participating in this are welcome to come back to school for this at 3.10pm.
Wednesday 9th June – Students will only be expected to attend until 12.25pm. They will leave straight after period 3 as this is a shortened whole school day. Full uniform and equipment will be needed.
Thursday 10th June – Students will be taking part in sporting activities for two hours on this day so must attend in school PE kit. No items of PE kit that do not follow the school policy will be accepted. M band students (Damien, Devereux, John Paul and Kolbe) will be expected to attend from 8.45am and can stay for break time, leaving site by 11.25am. T band students (Newman, Romero, Stein and Teresa) will be expected to attend from 11.25am and can stay for lunch time, leaving site by 1.55pm. For the lessons students are not in school they can use the following website to look at subjects they are studying at college or do some PSHE lessons. We encourage students to look at this website and use this for home learning until Friday 18th June.
Friday 11th June – Students need to arrive in school no later than 12.25pm and go straight to lesson 4. Students must be in full school uniform and will stay in school until our Leavers’ mass at the Cathedral during period 5. Students will then be released no later than 3.10pm from the Cathedral.
During this week normal school policies will apply in terms of behaviour around school. Any student who is on-called during this week or seen to be disrupting the learning of others will be sent home immediately to work online as stated in Mr Graham’s previous letters and will lose their place at leavers events.
Please can I take this opportunity to also remind you of the student’s BBQ and Quiz taking place on the 16th June from 3.30-5pm which students have signed up for. Any student who has not signed up is not permitted to attend this event. Leaver’s assembly is on the 25th June with all students receiving an invitation for this. Please ensure you have emailed Ms Slight to make her aware if you are planning on attending. Our final event is the Prom at the Queen’s Hotel on 1st July. Further information will be released to students attending this.
If you have any concerns at all please do not hesitate to contact me but I am very much looking forward to enjoying these final few days with all the students and hope you can join us in celebrating with them.
Miss N Hammond
Head of Learning Year 11
Ext 248